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CollaboratHive helping international students connect with top canadian and american university ambassadors

Free Resources

Choosing the right university

Figure out which university's right for you with our straightforward guide. It's like having a chat with a guidance counselor, but on your own time.

University Application Guide (USA)

Applying to colleges in the US? Our guide breaks it down into easy steps – think of it as your personal roadmap to perfecting that application.


Visa Application Guide (USA)

Need a U.S. student visa? Our visa application guide has practical tips and a clear checklist to make the visa process a lot smoother.


University Application Guide (Canada)

Our guide breaks down the steps to apply to universities in Canada, documents you need, how to apply, and how to get settled into Canada.


Study Permit Application Guide (Canada)

Our guide makes the study permit process less of a headache. It's a step by step guide from checking if you are eligible to arriving in Canada.


Please sign up or log in to access the rest of our free resources!

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